My research is the most important, interesting and fulfilling part of my life. Still, I do other things as well. I am both an avid reader and a video and board game enthusiast. I also knit, crochet and weave on a rigid heddle loom. Below are some of the games and books I am into at the moment, and a few pictures from my everyday life.
And yes, I do have the Ising Spin Glass Hamiltonian tattooed on my forearm :)
Currently playing
Currently reading
Dark Souls III : This is the newest entry in the Souls series, an amazing action role playing game from the third person perspective. The tagline 'Prepare to die' is very apt since in this game, you die. Repeatedly. In all kinds of horrifying ways and to the point of frustration. If you're into RPGs and a bit sick of leveling up to the point where you down dragons with a single arrow à la Skyrim, this is the game for you.
Mage Knight: Yet another great game by Vlaada Chvátil that is a lot of fun to play, especially if you don't mind putting a few (or more, probably more) hours into it. The learning curve is a bit steep on this one, since it is the only game I've seen so far that comes with not one but two pretty tick booklets, but it is worth it.
Currently growing
Currently crafting
I am in love with my Schacht Flip Loom, it is a joy to weave with and considering the size of my current yarn stash, I don't think I will run out of material or ideas any time soon.
We have a small urban garden on our terrace and we're happily growing cherry tomatoes and peppers. This is one of the achievements I'm most proud of.